Under the auspices of the University of Maryland CSR is facilitating one of five core courses on Peter Senge “The Learning Organization”. CSR partner Pete Swanson is facilitating the “personal Mastery and Vision course” for government clients. The course has been offered twice in 2013 with two runnings set for the remainder of the year. […] Read more »
CSR appointed by Supreme and National Courts of Papua New Guinea to conduct review of Court Annexed Mediation Program.
Under a contract with the International Finance Corporation, CSR was appointed by the Supreme and National Courts of Papua new Guinea to do a review of their country-wide court annexed mediation program and to provide recommendations for growth and expansion of the initiative. CSR partner Pete Swanson traveled to PNG in April for the month […] Read more »
Three Partnering Workshop Facilitations – Ponce and San Juan, Puerto Rico
In April, 2013, CSR partner Frank Carr facilitated three partnering workshop for Dragados USA, Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District, Corps Of Engineers Antilles Area Office, Puerto Rico on the Portugues Dam and the Rio Puerto Nuevo. Read more »